Briefs archive

Your chance to interpret a brief from an Art Director as part of your course or to develop your portfolio.

Please note that Penguin will not judge or give feedback on these cover designs and no prizes will be awarded.

Please refer to terms and conditions of use.

Getting started…

Step 1 - Read our guide on what makes a good cover design

Step 2 - Download the brief for your chosen title

Adult fiction

Adult non-fiction


Step 3 - Download the Penguin or Puffin design template

Step 4 - We recommend that you read the book before you start on your design in order to get a sense of the themes and the author’s voice. 

All the featured books are stocked in most bookshops and libraries.

Step 5 - Get designing!

Please tag @PenguinUKBooks and use #PRHDesignAward.