Getting Published

The process of getting your first book published can often seem daunting. Even if you've completed the huge challenge of finishing your manuscript, it may feel difficult to know where to go next, or how to understand all the different components of the publishing process.

Here, we've created a hub of information on everything around the subject of getting published for both writers and illustrators. Take a look through the sub-menus to find answers to your questions.

The publishing process

The publishing process is complex, with many moving parts involved. Below are some pieces giving some insight into what our role is as a publisher – from how much input we have on your manuscript, to how we identify audiences and promote your work to them.

If you're finding some of the publishing language confusing, we've written a piece on understanding jargon, so you can navigate any future conversations and reading with ease.

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How to get an agent

Life as a writer

Being an author is a dream job for many. You may be wondering where to start, how to get your writing noticed, or if it can a viable full-time career route for you. Below are some articles detailing life as a writer, and some resources and organisations which can help you on your writing journey.

For illustrators & designers

Becoming a book illustrator or designer is a dream job for many, but you may be wondering what they actually involve. Below are some articles detailing the role of an illustration agent in the publishing process, some top tips on how to prepare your portfolio and cover letter, and the relationship between a book illustrator and the author.