Crafts & activities

Make your own poke-a-pumpkin Halloween game

Got a Halloween party coming up? Follow this tutorial by Abby Teh who has created this fun pumpkin-themed game inspired by Find Spot at Halloween

Abby Teh

This is the perfect game to play indoors together on Halloween. You can hide just tricks and treats or include our printables of Spot and his friends as well for little ones (and big ones!) to find.

You will need:

·  A large piece of cardboard

·  Paper cups

·  Toilet roll tubes

·  Tissue paper (black and orange)

·  Elastic bands

·  Pencil

·  Glue or tape

·  Scissors or a craft knife

·  Treats of your choice – such as sweets or a toy

·  Tricks of your choice – such as fake creepy crawlies

·  Printable Spot and friend characters (optional)

·  Printer and A4 paper for download

Download printable characters below:

How to make the game:

1. Cover your large piece of cardboard with black tissue paper. Set the paper cups and toilet roll tubes on the cardboard so they form a pumpkin shape outline. We've used paper cups for the pumpkin's body and then the toilet roll tubes for the eyes and mouth. Trace the outlines of the cups or toilet roll tubes onto the cardboard.

2. This is a job for the grown-ups! Use your craft knife or scissors to cut out the circles on the cardboard but make sure you cut inside the circle, leaving about 5mm space from the drawn circle.

3. Fill each paper cup and toilet roll tube with tricks and treats or the printables of Spot and his friends.

4. Cut the orange and black tissue paper into squares. Then, cover the top of the cups and toilet roll tubes with the tissue paper, and secure with a rubber band. Finally, place the cups and toilet roll tubes into the holes on the cardboard. Secure with tape or glue.

5. Let the game begin! Take it in turns if you're just hunting for treats. Or if you've included the printables of Spot and his friends, why not set a timer and see who can find them the quickest?

Thank you to Abby Teh for creating this game. You can find more fun and crafts on Abby’s Instagram here.