Dr. Seuss Graphic Novel: Green Eggs and Ham Take a Hike

Dr. Seuss Graphic Novel: Green Eggs and Ham Take a Hike

A Green Eggs and Ham Story

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Sam-I-Am's grumpy best pal Walter is missing out on the wonderful world around him, but Sam-I-Am is determined to make sure he doesn't miss a thing! After all, that's what best friends are for.

Dr. Seuss's iconic, original dynamic duo is back – and this time, Sam-I-Am is going to show his grumpy pal the world beyond green eggs and ham in their own graphic novel!

Walter doesn't know what the big deal is – sure, it might be nice to have a green eggs and ham picnic on a hike, but doesn't Sam-I-Am know about all of the bugs? And the flowers that make you sneeze? Or the rivers that block your way? No, Walter is not a fan of the outdoors, he certainly is not. And nothing Sam-I-Am will do or say will change his mind. Too bad for Walter, Sam-I-Am is always up for a challenge!

With charming illustrations and easy-to-follow panelled storytelling, this graphic novel series is an excellent bridge for kids moving into independent reading – a must-have for young readers and Dr. Seuss fans alike.

About the author

James Kochalka

James Kochalka (kah-chall-ka) has been creating iconic indie comics and bizarrely catchy punk rock since the early 80s. Largely autobiographical, Kochalka's cartoon expression of the world around him includes such real-life characters as his wife, children, cat, friends and colleagues, but always filtered through his own observations and flights of whimsy. In March 2011 he was declared the cartoonist laureate of Vermont, serving a term of three years. He is a two-time winner of the prestigious Eisner Award, as well as four Ignatz Awards and a Harvey Award.
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