Homer's Odyssey

An Embiggened Simpsons Guide

Remember when The Simpsons was the funniest show on television?

The Simpsons is the longest running comedy in history. Gracing our screens since 1989, with over 600 episodes, the show is a cultural phenomenon. Whilst it is still drawing huge ratings numbers, there is no argument that during the 90s the show was at its zenith.

No other comedy has had as big an impact on society. The Simpsons has influenced the way we communicate with each other. Niche quotes and references have become the secret handshake of millions around the world. In the course of this book, we remember the iconic characters – Hank Scorpio and Lionel Hutz, Rex Banner and Frank Grimes - and we dissect seminal episodes such as Cape Feare, Marge Vs the Monorail and Who Shot Mr. Burns.

From celebrity cameos to musical moments, from hidden jokes to insane trivia, this is the essential companion to golden age of The Simpsons. Homer’s Odyssey is a hilarious, intelligent and in-depth analysis of the greatest show on earth.

So grab yourself a Flaming Moe, settle in to your groove on the couch, and enjoy our guide to your favourite yellow family.

About Four Finger Discount

Four Finger Discount has quickly established itself as one of the most entertaining shows about The Simpsons. Dando & Mitch present their weekly podcast from Australia and look at every episode of the Simpsons, starting from the very beginning. It is a must listen for any discerning fan who misses the golden age of the show.
  • Imprint: Cornerstone Digital
  • ISBN: 9781473552654
  • Length: 304 pages
  • Price: £8.99