Groucho and Me

Groucho and Me

The Autobiography


'The temptation to write about yourself is irresistible, especially when you are prodded into it by a crafty publisher who has slyly baited you into doing it with a miserly advance of fifty dollars and a box of cheap cigars' - Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx's autobiography is a rags-to-riches story with a difference. The most outrageous and voluble of the legendary Marx Brothers had a career that stretched from Vaudeville to gameshow, conquering Hollywood on the way. From the triumphs and disasters of a life spent in show business to his unconsummated loves, Groucho's story is told with humour and wit and in Groucho's own unique style.

As TS Eliot said of him: 'The mind boggles'.


  • The only thing the man can't do is sing, and that gave me an opening. But he can do everything else. I envy him this book, most of his wives and all of his talent
    Frank Sinatra

About the author

Groucho Marx

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