Get Out of Debt Forever

The ultimate guide if you want to take control of your finances, clear debts and increase your wealth

Debt problems can strike anyone: from students and working adults to business owners, pensioners, divorcees and the unemployed:
- The average graduate leaves university more than £12,000 in debt.
- The amount of money Britons owe on credit cards, loans and mortgages has topped 1,000 billion pounds - £1 trillion. This is equivalent to £17,000 of debt for every man, woman and child.

Get Out of Debt Forever shows you not only how to tackle your debts and knock your finances into shape, but also shows you how to enjoy a high standard of living at the same time, offering:
- Clear, practical advice on how to manage your money
- Details of financial experts who will sort out your finances, liaise with creditors and even represent you in court - free of charge
- Easy ways to increase your income and cut your spending
- Information on where to get free days out, entertainment and holidays

About Lorraine Turner

  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • ISBN: 9781446446515
  • Length: 176 pages
  • Price: £4.99