Alternative Dictionary Of Symptoms And Cures

A Comprehensive Guide to Diseases and Their Orthodox and Alternative Remedies

Increased health awareness means that more and more people are now looking for alternatives to the treatments offered by conventional medicine.

In The Alternative Dictionary of Symptoms and Cures, Dr Caroline Shreeve describes and defines, in clear layman's terms, a wide range of disorders and their possible treaments, both orthodox and alternative. The way in which alternative therapists work and the philosophy underlying the therapies are clearly explained and the opportunities for combining alternative and conventional medicine are also examined, allowing the reader to make informed healthcare decisions.

Easy to use with an A-Z of symptoms and conditions and cross-referenced sections on disorders and therapies, The Alternative Dictionary of Symptoms and Cures offers invaluable information and advice for when you or your family are ill.

About Dr Caroline Shreeve

  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • ISBN: 9781448118168
  • Length: 504 pages
  • Price: £3.49