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Jonathan Kebbe

Noodle Head

Noodle Head


Marcus King - Noodle Head to his friends - is coming to the end of his six-month stint at the Dovedale Home for Young Offenders. He's settled down and he's taking his meds - even if they do dull his senses and leave him unable to think straight. Still, the staff seem to think that's what an overactive, excitable boy needs - just a good dose of Kalmasol.
He's even managed to make some pretty good friends amongst all the wild and difficult boys at the home. Ratso, Shelly and Ravi are a pretty odd gang but they do stick together. But everything goes wrong during Hare and Hounds - a torturous and cruel chase game the boys are forced to play. Marcus is back in trouble again. Now he's stuck at Dovedale for another stint - and who knows when they'll let him out now? A day out with their favourite teacher, Miss Wonderland sends Marcus's situation spiralling even lower - now only a drastic solution will do...

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