- Books
- Series
- Authors
- Articles
- Fiction (248)
- Action & Adventure (68)
- Classics (11)
- Contemporary Fiction (104)
- Crime & Mystery, Thrillers (37)
- Fantasy (21)
- Fiction in Translation (12)
- Historical Fiction (195)
- Horror (4)
- Literary Fiction (51)
- Myths & Legends (7)
- Plays, Poetry & Prose (2)
- Romance & Sagas (248)
- Science Fiction (1)
- Short Stories (4)
- Teenage & Young Adult (1)
- Action & Adventure (68)
- Non-Fiction (30)
Publication Date
- Ballroom Girls (3)
- Belle (1)
- Georgian Romance (5)
- Historical Romance (5)
- Holcombe Hall (1)
- House of Niccolo (8)
- Mischief and Matchmaking (2)
- Outlander (1)
- Penguin Decades (1)
- Penguin Essentials (5)
- Plated Prisoner (4)
- Sanctuary Lane (1)
- Stephen Fry’s Greek Myths (2)
- The Bomb Girls (3)
- The Cavanah Family series (2)
- The Cliffehaven Series (2)
- The Life Class Trilogy (1)
- The Lymond Chronicles (6)
- The Nursing Series (2)
- The Ragged School Series (1)
- The Rowntrees Girls (3)
- The Wars of the Roses (1)
- The Wartime Bookshop (4)
- The Webster Family Trilogy (3)
- The railway girls series (2)
- Wartime Midwives Series (4)
- Worktown Girls at War (1)