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The Greed Merchants

The Greed Merchants

How the Investment Banks Played the Free Market Game


Early in the new millennium the investment banks were on their knees. Beaten by the boom and bust of the bubble, mixed up in corporate scandals and accused of uncontrolled and rampant conflict of interest, the game seemed over for the masters of the universe. Then the bounce back came. New rules, promises to be more vigilant and rising markets took the heat off. Having learned their lesson and paid their dues, the investment banks could be relied upon to oil the wheels of capitalism in this best of all possible worlds.

Philip Augar's cutting critique challenges this consensus. By being able to act simultaneously for buyers, sellers and themselves, they can generate huge returns at their customers' expense. This book explains how this systematic and legal transfer of wealth occurs and answers some important questions. Do the investment banks add value through their advice? Is there a cartel? Are there any alternatives? What will happen next?

About the author

Philip Augar

Philip Augar, a former banker with a doctorate in history, is the author of several previous books including the celebrated The Death of Gentlemanly Capitalism (Allen Lane, 2000). He has held numerous public and private sector directorships, and is currently chair of the UK government's review of higher education. He contributes regularly to the Financial Times and the BBC.
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