Reading lists

Books to read if you love Succession

Succession's fourth series is back this week. If you can't get enough of warring dynasties and corporate drama, these are the books to pick up next.

When Succession first aired in 2018, some critics wondered whether we really needed a fictional portrayal of an immeasurably wealthy, mostly male and irredeemably spoilt family dynasty fighting over their father’s empire, when there were so many real-life examples to observe instead. Turns out, what we need and what we want are two very different things. It was the runaway TV hit of the year.

Heads were left spinning after the deliciously dramatic cliffhanger that closed series two and so many unanswered questions remained hanging in the air but, finally, after what seems like an interminable wait, we're about to get some of those answers.

With a week to wait for each episode there's time to turn to other stories in between, so if you're after more tales of dysfunctional families, stinking wealth, hypocrisy, revenge, sex and power in the meantime, here's a selection of books – from history to fiction, biography to Shakespeare – to keep you sated.